Daysha's Day at BlogHer '18 Health and The VOTY Ceremony

Welcome back #ThickGirlNation!

daysha veronia

So last week I flew to NYC to attend Blog Her '18 Health, annnnnd to accept a Voices Of The Year Award (VOTY)!

And I won the authenticity award for documenting my health journey with Fitness Genes.

This was my first BlogHer ever, and I was super excited to not only be getting an award, but to also get to check out the conference and see what it was all about.

BlogHer is this amazing organization that aims to give access, platforms, and resources to online female content creators or those working with large female demographics.

This was the first year they did BlogHer Health, which is aimed more towards those working in the health and wellness space.

yes queen

So here are some photos from how my 2 days at the conference went!

This here is Kopano, but we call her Kopi for short. She's one of my college besties that I literally haven't seen in 4 years. And she drove up all the way from fucking Jersey to come to the VOTY ceremony!

yes quenn

Now let me tell y'all about Krista Suh, founder of the Pussyhat Project, and fellow VOTY Honoree…

yes queen

Homegirl not only brought the other VOTY honorees free copies of her new book, DIY Rules For A WTF World, which is her "manifesto for every woman to create her own distinct path to joy, success, and impact..."

But she also personalized each book with a drawing of each winner…

I got to meet the Insta-yogi queen in all her magical melanin glory…

yes queen

And then this queen of queens, Kaia Burke, whose mother, Tarana, founded the #MeToo movement over 10 years ago! Talk about a visionary before her time!

yes queen

So for day 2, I spent most of my time in and out of different panels and breakout sessions and minglin' around…

I'm now a huge fan of Jillian Michaels, who loves the word "fuck" almost as much as I do (lol), and gave an amazing keynote talk.

yes queen

And I loved getting to hear Kate Walsh's thoughts on health in Hollywood for women.

And all in all, it was such a beautiful experience. Y'all know I don't like the word "empowerment," but these ladies had all their power and presence on full display for those two days! And it was an honor to bask in it.

I'm counting down the days until the next one! Maybe I'll see some of y'all there?

And a huuuuuge thank you again to BlogHer for this amazing honor.