This Is Love It Or Lose It — My 6-Week Journey To Clean Out My Closet and Elevate My Style For My 30s

My name is Daysha.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

And in addition to being the head-queen-in-charge of my lifestyle brand, Yes Queen, I might… maybe… potentially be a hoarder of clothing.

But in all realness, my closet is a hot mess and I hate that I never feel like I have anything to wear, even though I have clothes coming out of every crevice of my closet.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I am beyond done with the anxiety-filled, time-consuming mornings of staring into my closet…

But my biggest problem is that I have such a hard time letting go of thing—especially clothing.

Like spiritually, I want to be a minimalist, but when I go to put things in the donation bag, I will come up with the craziest excuses to keep something.

Given that I am turning 30 soon and I was in a digital media producing class last year, I decided to develop and create a docu-series around my attempt to clean up and grow up through fashion.

This is how Love It Or Lose It was born.

Follow me on a 6-week journey to build a more mature and defined sense of style as I head into my 30s.

Leaning on the help of my amazing, fashion-forward influencer friend, Curly (@thecurlyvshow), each week I will go through a category of clothing and decide what I want to love and what I want to lose.

But knowing myself so extremely well, I knew this would not be an easy task.

So, Curly graciously agreed to consult with me on three items that I was struggling to make a decision about.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

And using his expert insights, I have to come to a decision about what I will love and what I will lose.

It seems easy enough, but just from the first category of clothing, I knew this was going to be a looooooong 6 weeks.

Check out the promo videos below to learn more about the series!

Meet Daysha | Love It Or Lose It Promo #1


Meet Curly | Love It Or Lose It Promo # 2

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